Sunday, September 28, 2008

CoUsInS rEuNiTe

Emily, Kevin, Brooklyn and little Mylee finally come home!

Druw and Brooklyn were so happy to see each other!
They had so much fun playing in the sand!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

DrUw'S 1st time at the PeT sToRe!!!!

I wanted to try my luck again at a new bird.
I decided on two Finches.
Fluffy and Magestic!

Druw helped pick out the birds at Jay's Jungle!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2008 HeYwOoD FaMiLy ReUnIoN!!!!

It was small but sweet. Ronald had all of his 9 children there.
4 out of the 10 families were represented.
Ronald, Bob, Me and Colleen... Sorry Matt, I just had to post this!

mY jOuRnEy To GrEaT hEaLtH....

9-day cleansing
On September 5th I began a whole new way of life. Due to high Triglycerides (900 +) I was concerned for my health and well being. I started with the 9-day cleansing system which I finished yesterday. I lost 8 pounds and and 12 inches and my energy is unbelievable! I will be showing my before and after pictures (sorry no swimsuits) in about 3 months... But first get a glimpse of what happned in 3 months to someone who has really motivated me.

Her name is Angela...

Now I begin my JoUrNeY for LiFe....
the total health and wellness system!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

You've gotta see this great MoViE!!!

We (Orlo, Levi and I) went to the first screening of an amazing movie tonight! FoReVeR StRoNg!!!
Even though I'm not the sportsy type (and Rugby to boot) I found it most excellent. I don't know if it is because it's a story based on a true team or the fact it has it's share of hunks;o) but I highly recommend it!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

oUr tRiP tO TeXaS tO ViSiT the TrOsTs

So MaNy pictures it was hard to decide???

We had a so much FuN!!! (to short though)

OuR bAsEmEnT pRoJeCt in progress...

Notice the all the WhItE sPoTs? (future grandbabies)????

Druw "helps" Grandpa knock out the main post...

The MaIn PoSt is history!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

4th oF JuLy 2008

CoUsInS & cLoWnS

Levi finishes the 5k Race....

Do I hear BaGs PiPeS???

yUm YuM! What a way to end the day!!!!

CJ aNd KaTe'S fAiRy TaLe WeDDiNg

Here comes the BrIdE...

Look at those GQ GrOoMsMeN.....

What BaBeS for BrIdEsMaIdS......

Is this an eLeGaNt wedding party or what????

To HaVe AnD To HoLd.....
You may now KiSs the BeAuTiFuL BrIdE!!!

...and they lived HaPpiLy EvEr AfTeR!!!

PrOm NiGhT 2008

Two LoVe BiRdS goin' to the PROM...

Does the SliPpEr fit? It DOES!!! :)

and off they go............

A Great Lady Passes Away

We will miss you!!!!

Dedication of Grandma's Grave